天梭TOUCH COLLECTION系列T081.420.97.057.03腕表全方位多角度视频赏析

A perfect match between the Tissot T-Race and the Tissot Racing-Touch has given way to the creation of the ultimate modern sports watch -- The Tissot T-Race Touch. This timepiece shares the Tissot T-Race's passion for fast motorsports, which further inspires their style. The amazing ability to provide wearers with 11 tactile functions at a tip of a fingertip, comes from its Tissot Racing-Touch side. The Tissot T-Race Touch combines the great qualities of two amazing pieces, while transpiring an essence of athletic youth and dynamism. The aluminium touch adds to the sporty look and style as it makes it easy to give it those colourful blue, green, orange and black cases. It also has a great advantage of being very light, making it perfect for a sports watch such as this one.


